Friday, September 14, 2007

Golden Triangle + ARE Weapons + IUD + Orphan


These photos by Todd Fisher + 3 by RopStyle + the last couple of ARE Weapons were taken by Beverly Battle, the former singer of the legendary band, Battletorn.

We Played at Studio B last night with ARE Weapons for their CD Release party. It was real fun. A lot of our friends got split up tonight because Zack and Ex Models were playing with Silver Apples at Silent Barn and Chris Rattlestein was playing at Cake Shop. Studio B was fun though- I liked all the bands we played with. Orphan is a couple of old school DC folks rockin' the 2 man band style with dude playing some distorted heavy bass and a girl bashing the skins. REAL heavy. Then IUD was next - it's Lizzie from Gang Gang Dance plus another girl playing drums and singing spooky echoey shit over double drums. It was real evil and witchy sounding- evil and witchy are always good to sound like. Lizzie has a crazy ass voice as we all know especially with those effects. She told me she has a record release show coming up at Glasslands, so that should be a fun show. Then we played. Then ARE Weapons rocked the house. I was trying to get my crowd surf on, but all I managed was a piggie back ride in the front of the stage, but that's cool too. Chloe Sevigny and Matt McCauley and Brain McPeck and Erik Rapin from ARE Weapons are sweet people and we all wanna party with them more. They all headed back to Manhattan afterwards and we went to Daddy's- the late night choice for us and our friends usually.

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